Last Update:            31-MAY-2017
Operating System:       OpenVMS, Linux, Solaris
Component:              PMDF Shared Library, SMTP
Base Level Required:    PMDF V6.6
Other Requirements:     None

Platform                Subdirectory            File(s) to download
--------                ------------      --------------------
OpenVMS Alpha           vms     
OpenVMS I64             vms     
Linux                   linux   
Solaris SPARC           solaris-sparc     pmdf66-sparc-openssl-1.0.2g.tar.gz

General info

     Note: To install the OpenSSL 1.0.2l update on Linux and Solaris,
  you must have installed the 1.0.2g kit first, as it includes
  additional images required for the upgrade. The 1.0.2l kit only
  includes new libcrypto and libssl libraries.

     You will need to have a License PAK with a release date after the date of
  PMDFSHR.EXE or to run PMDF.  Note that this may apply to other
  images as well.

     Patches may be obtained from the anonymous FTP account on  Use FTP to connect to the host
  and login as the user anonymous.  Use your e-mail address as the login

     Move to the pmdf_66_patches subdirectory:

        ftp> cd pmdf_66_patches

     Patches will be located in platform-specific sub-trees, as follows:

        Platform        Subdirectory
        --------        ------------
        OpenVMS         vms
        Linux           linux
        Solaris/SPARC   solaris-sparc

     When FTPing images, be sure to FTP them as binary.  Before retrieving
  such an image with the GET command, be sure to put your FTP into binary
  mode with a command such as TYPE IMAGE or TYPE BINARY.

Change history

  This update includes an upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2l.


  This update includes an upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2i.


  This update includes an upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2h.


  This update corrects the following problems:

   o LDAP over TLS was inadvertently broken by the first release.

   o IMAP and POP3 connections were getting closed every 30 seconds
     or so, resulting in numerous "deadstream" entries in the
     connection.log file. The problem wasn't noticeable by users, but
     it did result in additional unnecessary overhead as clients were
     forced to reconnect more often than they were supposed to.

   o TLS was not used for outgoing SMTP connections in cases when it
     should have been.

   o For Linux and Solaris, a long-standing problem with some email
     entries not getting added to the queue cache database in a timely
     fashion from time to time has been resolved.

   o For Linux and Solaris, new pine images are provided to correct
     a problem introduced by the first release of this OpenSSL patch.


  PMDF now uses OpenSSL 1.0.2g, an upgrade from 0.9.8. New versions
  of PMDFSHR (libpmdf), as well as the tcp_smtp_* and the tcp_* images
  are included. Also included is a new version of dispatcher that
  allows for larger mappings files.


        Before installing a new PMDFSHR, issue the following command:

                $ pmdf shutdown

        Failure to issue the above command could result in the current
        processes not recognizing commands (i.e. restart and shutdown) with
        the new pmdfshr.exe in place.

        Download the appropriate .ZIP file. Set your default directory
        to PMDF_ROOT:[000000] and use UnZip to decompress the files.
        The files will automatically be restored to the proper directories.

        NOTE: be sure to set the protections of PMDF_EXE:PMDFSHR.EXE
        and PMDF_EXE:LDAPV3SHR.EXE to allow WORLD read and execute access:

		$ set file/prot=w:re pmdf_exe:pmdfshr.exe
		$ set file/prot=w:re pmdf_exe:ldapv3shr.exe

        In some cases, new versions of PMDFSHR may alter the format of
        compiled configurations. When this happens recompilation is also

                $ pmdf cnbuild

        Failure to recompile the configuration after installing new versions
        of PMDFSHR may lead to "compiled configuration version mismatch"

        Next, be sure to start PMDF by issuing the following commands:

		$ @sys$startup:pmdf_startup
		$ pmdf start dispatcher


        Before installing a new, issue the following command:

                # pmdf shutdown

        Failure to issue the above command could result in the current
        processes not recognizing commands (i.e. restart and shutdown) with
        the new in place.

        Download the appropriate .tar.gz file. Use 'gunzip' to
        decompress the tar file, then use 'tar' to extract the files.
        Move to the /pmdf directory to do the extraction; the files
        will automatically be placed in the correct bin and lib

	 > cd /pmdf
         > gunzip pmdf66-sparc-openssl.1.0.2g.tar.gz
         > tar xvf pmdf66-sparc-openssl.1.0.2g.tar
         > cd /pmdf/lib
         > gunzip xvf openssl-1.0.2l-sparc.tar.gz
         > tar xvf openssl-1.0.2l-sparc.tar

        After the files are untarred into their proper directories,
        ensure that the ownership and protection on each are set correctly:

                # chown pmdf:bin /pmdf/lib/
                # chmod 755 /pmdf/lib/

        In some cases, new versions of may alter the format of
        compiled configurations. When this happens recompilation is also

                # pmdf cnbuild

        Failure to recompile the configuration after installing new versions
        of may lead to "compiled configuration version mismatch"

        Next, be sure to start PMDF by issuing the following command:

                # pmdf startup


        Before installing a new, issue the following command:

                # pmdf shutdown

        Failure to issue the above command could result in the current
        processes not recognizing commands (i.e. restart and shutdown) with
        the new in place.

        Download the appropriate .zip file. Use 'unzip' to extract the

        Move to the /pmdf directory to do the extraction; the files
        will automatically be placed in the correct bin and lib

	 > cd /pmdf
         > unzip
         > cd /pmdf/lib
         > unzip

        After the files are unzipped into their proper directories,
        ensure that the ownership and protection on each are set correctly:

                # chown pmdf:bin /pmdf/lib/
                # chmod 755 /pmdf/lib/

        In some cases, new versions of may alter the format of
        compiled configurations. When this happens recompilation is also

                # pmdf cnbuild

        Failure to recompile the configuration after installing new versions
        of may lead to "compiled configuration version mismatch"

        Next, be sure to start PMDF by issuing the following command:

                # pmdf startup